Sunday, December 7, 2008

RE: National Endowments of the Arts

I think this program is great. Anything that helps people achieve there goals is a giant step in the right direction.  Given the fact that it is a government program also allows for a larger group of people to get involved. I can't believe that I haven't heard of them before considering the fact they have been established since 1965. They also seem like they are a very accessible institute to become involved with. They say they are dedicated to Excellence in Education of the arts so I assume that they produce a lot of teachers as well as aspiring artists. Here are just some of the institutes accomplishments: Sponsorship of the Vietnam Veterans  Memorial, Giving Early  funding to  The Sundance Film Festival, Steppenwolf Theater Company, and The American Film Institute. The list goes on and on. I truly believe that it's programs like this that will change this country for the better.

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