Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Statement

Well I guess its time to rap this up. I have had a great time studying theater with everyone, it has been a great experience. To answer the question I posed in the beginning of this blog: The answer is yes I do enjoy Theater more then I did before taking this course. It has opened my eyes to a new world of everything Theatrical. 
In the begging of this course I was pretty skeptical, and I wasn't very open to new things (such as going to see plays). A lot of the themes and ideas I have learned in this class will defiantly help me on my road to being a good teacher. Something else I enjoyed about this class was the discussion board that we were able to use to post all of our ideas and feelings. I learned a lot about people in the class by using the discussion board that I probably would not have known other wise.
So all in all his was a great class, and I had a lot of fun.

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