Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Expectations of Violet Sharp

I can't wait to go see this play. I've heard very good things. Plays like this really catch my attention. Ever since I was thirteen I've known about the Lindbergh kidnapping. Every time I would see the documentary on television I remember being enthralled by the numerous mysteries of this story. I love mysteries and scary stories so I feel that this play will be right up my alley. I am wondering how true to life the play will actually be? Will Violet Sharp be portrayed as well as I imagined, from seeing her on the documentaries. 

Violet Sharp

I would really like to see the play "Violet Sharp". I found this link:
I heard its a really good play and I can't wait to see it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

About Me/Question

Hello, my name is Mark Pruger. I am nineteen years old and I live in Sarver, Pa. I am attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania for elementary education. I just changed my major, from business. I think I will enjoy a teaching career in the future. I have a beautiful fiance named Ashley Mattilio. She also attends IUP, as a nursing major. As of right now, I attend the Northpointe campus, but I plan to attend main campus in the fall of 2009. In the beginning of the semester I really didn't know if I would enjoy Theater or not, but I knew right after the first class that it was going to be a good experience. The question that I would like to pose is "After this class is over, when it's all said and done, am I really going to enjoy Theater more then I did before taking this course?" I know that this question may sound fairly simple, but I really want to know if this class is going to effect the way I view theater performances.  Maybe this course will enlighten my way of thinking when I go to see plays, musicals and other forms of art. My Fiance is also taking a Theater class at Main Campus, and so far she says she really enjoys it.